Citizen`s Charter 4


Mobile Banking

Transaction Value, Destination of transaction (two level authorization for non-routine destinations), security based on hand-sets, frequency of payments will be introduced.

Bank will encourage formation of user communities to get feedback on the banks and also to enhance the efficiency of their products and design new products.

SMS/E-Mail Alerts

Account Statement in PDF format will be sent by e-mail, if customer requests so (password encrypted document).

Bank will send e-mail giving the balance position at agreed periodicity viz., daily, weekly, fortnightly etc to Current account holders with high transactions .

ECS Mandate Management System

Bank will ensure that ECS Mandate Management System is working effectively to comply with the mandate given by the customer in respect of limit of debit amount, expiry date, withdrawal of mandate, etc. Withdrawal of mandate for any ECS debit payment will not be left to the mercy of the beneficiary.

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