Citizen`s Charter 4


Remitance Services

Customers may remit funds from one centre to another centre by RTGS, NEFT/EFT and Demand Drafts by paying specified charges

Demand Drafts for Rs 50,000/- and above will be issued by the banks only by debit to the customer`s account or against cheques or other instruments tendered by the purchaser and not against cash payment. Similarly, such payments for Rs 50,000/- and above will be made through banking channels and not in cash.

Before taking delivery of the drafts, customer is to verify that the draft is complete in all respects including signature of the official(s) along with their specimen signature numbers at the place provided for.

The drafts can be revalidated by the payee(s) if they are identified as the holder in due course. The drafts can be revalidated only once within one year from the date of issue. After one year of the draft, they are to be cancelled at the issuing branch, and a fresh draft obtained after paying the requisite service charges.

Bank will issue duplicate demand draft to the customer within a fortnight from the receipt of request. For delay in issuing duplicate draft beyond the above stipulated period, the bank will pay interest at the rate applicable for fixed deposit of corresponding maturity in order to compensate the customer for such delay.

ATM/Debit Card Transaction

Branch in North Eastern region will endeavour to arrange for backup of alternate sources of energy for supply of power for ATM machines so as to ensure continuous service to the customers.

In case of doubt about the success / failure of an ATM transaction, the copy of the JP log called for from an acquiring bank and the preceding and succeeding transactions will also be included in the copy.

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