Citizens` Charter 4.(ix)


Safe Deposit Vaults (Lockers)

The facility of safe deposit lockers is an ancillary service offered by the Bank. There will be a completely transparent process in the allocation of locker facility. The bank`s branches offering this Facility will indicate/display this information. The identification of locker branches shall be done by the Bank at its discretion based on potential and commercial considerations etc. as the relationship of the Bank with the locker hirer(s) that of Bailor and Bailee. Bank shall exercise due care and necessary precautions for the safety of lockers provided to the customers like ordinary prudence will do in his case. However, bank shall not be liable for any damage or loss to lockers or its contents, due to any reasons(s) whatsoever.

The major aspects governing the services:

  • A locker may be hired by an individual (not minor), firm, limited company, specified associations, societies, etc.
  • Nomination facility is available to individual hirer of safe deposit locker.
  • Loss of key should be immediately informed to the branch. However all the expenses incurred in repairing the lock and key shall be borne by the hirer(s).
  • Lessee may use his/her own pad lock on the locker. Locker holders are however, advised to get an insurance cover for the jewellery, valuables etc. kept in the locker.
  • Lockers are available in different sizes.
  • Lockers are rented out for a minimum period of one year. Rent is payable in advance. In case of overdue rent, the bank will charge penalty as decided from time to time.
  • The rent may be paid from the deposit account of the lessee through standing instruction.
  • The Bank reserves its right to break open the locker if the rent is not paid despite notices sent by the bank as per the rules, and recover charges thereof.

he facility of safe deposit vault is available to customers having SF/CA account with the bank. For availing the above facility, the customer has to deposit a prescribed amount in fixed deposit for a minimum period of three years for meeting the annual rent of the locker out of interest and to meet break open charges, if required.

Articles in Safe Custody

Articles like shares, securities, etc. can be kept in safe custody with the Bank on prescribed charges wherever such facility is offered. Large/small boxes must be locked by the customer(s) and particulars must be written/ painted thereon. The lock should be covered by sturdy cloth and sealed with the customer`s seal. Relationship of banker and customer shall be that of bailer and bailee.

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