standards for services


Ultimate delivery channel is Branch Office/specialized Branch Office besides availability of alternative delivery channel viz. ATMs, INTERNET BANKING SERVICE, Mobile Banking, CREDIT CARD etc. It is the responsibility of Branch Manager to provide services to the customers as per standards/norms. Any query/grievance be addressed to the Branch Manager/Call Centre.

Customers can obtain the details of the products/services from the Branch or download from Bank`s public domain website. Bank reserves the right to change /amend the terms and conditions of any Scheme/services at any time.

Indicative time norms for various transactions subject to submission of required documents by the customers are given below:-

S.N. Service Documents required Time norms (indicative) (after completion of form
1 Opening of SB accounts

A. For Identity Proof ,copy of any one: i) Passport ii) PAN Card iii) Voter ID Card iv) Identity Card (subject to the Bank`s satisfaction) v) Driving license vi) Letter from recognized public authority or public servant verifying identity and residence of the customer to the satisfaction of the Bank vi) Aadhar card/ Letter issued by UIDAI containing name ,address and Aadhar no. (where applicable)

For Proof of address, copy of any one: i) *ElectricityBill ii) *Telephone Bill iii) *Bank account statement iv) $ Ration Card v) Letter from recognized public authority to the satisfaction of the Bank vi) Letter from employer (Subject to satisfaction of Bank)

Adhar Card (where applicable)



2 Closing of SB accounts Passbook, Unused cheque book, ATM/Debit Card 10 Minutes
3 Opening of Term Deposit Accounts As applicable in SB accounts 15 Minutes
4 Payment of Term Deposits Original FDR/ RD pass book 10 Minutes
5 Issuance of duplicate FDR Indemnity Bond 20 Minutes from the receipt of application along with required documents by the base branch.
6 Opening of Current Account

For Identity Proof submit copy of any one: i) Passport ii) PAN Card iii) Voter ID Card iv) Identity Card (subject to the Bank`s satisfaction) v) Driving license vi) Letter from recognized public authority or public servant verifying identity and residence of the customer to the satisfaction of the Bank vi) Aadhar card/ Letter issued by UIDAI containing name ,address and Aadhar no (where applicable)

For Proof of address submit copy of any one: i) *Electricity Bill ii) *Telephone Bill iii) *Bank account statement iv) $ Ration Card v) Letter from recognized public authority to the satisfaction of the Bank vi) Letter from employer (Subject to satisfaction of Bank)

(vii) Adhar Card (where applicable)


Photograph of authorized signatories


Partnership Deed in case of partnership concern.

Memorandum of Association and Article of Association in case of Company.

30 Minutes
7 Closing of Current account Unused cheque book, ATM/ Debit Card 10 Minutes
8 Transfer of accounts/ Transfer of accounts with account number portability Request letter for transfer of account at any branch i.e. transferor or transferee branch 3 working days

Receipt of cash *

-Through SWO

-Through H/cashier

Up to Rs. 25,000/-

Above Rs.25,000/-

7 Minutes

15 Minutes


Receipt of cash *

-Through SWO

-Through H/cashier

Up to Rs. 25,000/-

Above Rs.25,000/-

7 Minutes

15 Minutes

11 Updation of passbook/ issuance of statement of a/c On the counter 5 Minutes

Issuance of cheque Book

-Non personalized


(For new customer after 10 days)

Requisition to be submitted at base branch.

10 Minutes

10 working days


Issuance of ATM/ Debit Card

-Non personalized


Requisition to be submitted any branch.

10 Minutes

10 working days

14 Internet Banking Service facility Requisition to be submitted at base branch or through ATM 7 working days
15 Mobile Banking facility   7 working days
16 Remittance-RTGS/ NEEFT/Draft   15 Minutes
17 Payment of Drafts   7 Minutes

Collection of cheques



-National Clearing


2-3 working days

10-14 working days

7 working days

19 Retirement of Bills   20-30 Minutes
20 Settlement of deceased claim In case of nomination registered - Death Certificate , Duly filled claim forms In other cases - Death Certificate, Duly filled claim form , Indemnity bond with surety/ succession certificate (depends upon claimed amount) 15 working days
21 Issuance of Locker facility Subject to availability. Identity and address proof. Locker Agreement, 30 Minutes
22 Stop payment/ Standing instructions   10 Minutes

Redressal of complaints

- ATM / related

-Internet Banking service related



7 working days

48 hours


30 working days

*(Depending upon denomination)

Credit Schemes (Bank specific)
Agriculture Credit Scheme

Scheme for financing under Krishi Card (Kishan Credit Card)

Scheme for package loan to farmers

Kissan Gold scheme (previously Kissan IchchapurtiYojna)

Credit against National Savings Certificates/ Fixed Deposits receipts and KisanVikasPatra to farmers.

Credit against gold ornaments / jewellery to farmers.

Produce marketing (loans scheme).

Farm Mechanization Scheme – Financing for purchase of farm machinery and repair/ renovation of tractors and power tillers.

Scheme for financing farmers for purchase of 2nd hand tractor.

Scheme for financing self propelled combine harvester.

Scheme for financing farmers for purchase of trucks and other transport vehicles.

Scheme for financing minor irrigation.

Scheme for financing development of horticulture (fruits, flowers and vegetables) and plantation crops.

Scheme for financing forestry development programmes.

Scheme for financing agricultural graduates for setting up of Agri clinics and agri business centers (ACABC).

Scheme for financing farmers for purchase of land for agricultural purpose.

Scheme for financial assistance to agricultural graduates for purchase of land and undertaking agricultural activities.

Scheme for financing mushroom cultivation.

Scheme for financing spawn production.

Scheme for financing setting up of bio-gas units.

Scheme for financing commission agents/ arhtiyas /dealers, commission agents arhtiyas and dealers engaged in distribution of cattle feed, poultry feed, dairy feed etc., against their paid up stock.

Scheme for financing poultry farming.

Scheme for financing Dairy Development Progammes.

Dairy Vikas Card Scheme (Implemented in select States).

Scheme for financing fisheries development.

Scheme for financing piggery development.

Scheme for financing purchase of animal drawn vehicles i.e. carts and draft animals.

Scheme for financing apiculture (bee keeping) .

Scheme for financing sericulture.

Scheme for financing kitchen gardening.

Scheme for financing green houses.

KrishakSathi Scheme. (KSS)

General Credit Card (GCC)

Scheme for financing solar energy lighting system. (SELS)

Loan Application &Documentation

For loan upto Rs.1 lac:

Simplified application cum sanction for loan Hypothection Agreement

For Loan above Rs.1 lacs

Application for agricultural credit

Prescribed Annexure/ Appendix for each agricultural activity Hypothecation Agreement

Deed of guarantee, wherever applicable

Mortgage Deed, wherever applicable

Copies of documents establishing ownership/cultivation rights called FurdJamabandi, Khasra/KhatauniGirdawri (or by other vernacular names).

Margin Norms

For production and/or Invesetment Credit :

Upto Rs.1,00,000/- NIL

(Both for short term and medium term)

Above Rs. 1 lacs to Rs.2 lacs - 5%

Above Rs. 2 lacs to Rs. 5 lacs – 10%

Above Rs.5 lacs -25%

(b)Under Kisan Card Scheme (KCC)

Upto Rs. 3 lacs - NIL

Above Rs.3 lacs to Rs.5 lacs - 10%

Above Rs.5 lacs to Rs.20 lacs - 25%

No Dues Certificate

`No Dues Certificate / Affidavit` is not to be obtained for agricultural loans uptoRs. 1 lacs. However, for loans above Rs.1 lacs obtaining of Affidavit in lieu of `No Dues Certificate` is allowed.

Upto Rs.2 lacs 2 weeks*

Above 2 lac & upto 50 lac 4 weeks*

Above Rs.50 lac & upto Rs.100 lacs – 5-6 weeks*

Above Rs.100 lacs & upto Rs.100 crores -6-7 weeks *

Above Rs.100 crores – 8-9 weeks*

*Subject to fulfillment of formalities

Retail Loan Schemes
For Retail Loans on line application facility available through public domain website. Electronically generated acknowledgement of the application shall be available to the customer as soon as all the mandatory fields are filled in the system.

Housing Loan

Car Finance

Two Wheeler Finance

Personal Loan

Professional Loan

Education Loan Scheme

Loan against Mortgage of Property

Personal Loan Scheme for Pensioners

Reverse Mortgage Scheme

Advance against Gold and Jewellery

Other Retail Schemes

General Documents :

Loan application form, as applicable, duly complete with recent photograph.

Proof of Income (I.T. Returns/ Assessment Order/Salary Certificate)

Bank Statement for the last six months.

Age Proof

Address Proof

Proof of income of spouse/ parents where the same is to be considered for determining loan amount.

Any other information/ Documents which may be necessary.

In addition to above following documents are Scheme Specific:

Home Loans

Property documents- depends upon the purpose of loan.

Estimate from the Bank`s approved Architect.

Vehicle Loan (Car/Two Wheeler):

Quotation from authorized dealer for vehicle to be purchased.

Education Loan

Certificate/documents having qualified Qualifying Examination for admission.

Prospectus/Letter from the Institute where seeking admission

Personal Loan for Pensioners

Pensioner`s portion of PPO in original (to be retained until liquidation of loan account

Letter of request

Letter of Authority to recover monthly instalment.

Home Loans/ Reverse Mortgage/

7 days * at Retail Assets Branch

10 days* for other Branches

For Education Loan :

1 Week *for loan falling under BM power

2 weeks* for loans falling under powers of CH & above

Non mortgaged based Loans viz Vehicle loan, Gold Loan, personal Loan, Pension Loan etc.

Time norms for RABs 3 days

Time norms for branches other tan RABs 7 days

*Subject to fulfillment of formalities

MSME Credit Scheme

Schemes for Financing Micro and Small Enterprises

Trade Finance

Super Trade

Scheme for financing professional qualified medical practioners

GraminChikitsak Scheme for financing of qualified medical practioners in rural areas.

PNB Green Card facility to SE Borrowers

PNB SME Sehyog Scheme

Financing of purchase of show room

Financing Travel Agents and Tour Operators.

Proof of identity

Proof of residency

Proof of business address

Memorandum and Article of Association of the Co./Partnership Deed of partners etc.

Assets & liabilities of promoters and guaratnors along with latest income tax returns.

Rent Agreement (if business premises on rent) and clearance from pollution control board, if applicable.

SSI registration certificate where applicable.

Profile of the unit (includes name of promoters, other directors in the company, the activity being undertaken, addresses of all offices and plants, shareholding pattern etc. (applicable for cases with exposure above Rs.25 lacs )

Photocopies of lease deeds/title deeds of all the properties being offered as primary and collateral securities, if any.

Last three years Balance Sheets of the units along with income tax/sales tax returns etc. ( applicable for all cases from Rs. 2 lacs and above) . However, for cases below fund based limits of Rs.25 lacs unaudited balance sheets may be accepted. For cases of Rs.25 lacs and above, the audited balance sheets are mandatory.

Projected balance sheets for the next two years in case of working capital limits and for the period of the loan in case of term loan (For all cases of Rs. 2 lacs and above )

Last three years balance sheets of the Associate /Group companies , if any (applicable for cases with exposure above Rs.25 lacs)

Project report (for the proposed project if term funding is required) containing details of the machinery to be acquired , from whom to be acquired, price, names of suppliers, financial details like capacity of machines, capacity utilization assumed, production, sales, projected profit and loss and balance sheets for the next 7 to 8 years till the proposed loan is to be paid, the details of labour staff to be hired, basis of assumption of such financial details etc. (Applicable for cases with exposure above Rs. 25 lacs)

Manufacturing process if applicable, major profile of executives in the company, any tie-ups and details about raw material used and their suppliers (details about the buyers, details about major competitors and the company`s strength and weakness as compared to their competitors etc (applicable for cases with exposure above Rs.25 lacs)

Certificate of registration with IATA.

Review of account containing month-wise receipts (quantity and value both), production (quantity and value), indigenous raw material ( quality and value), value of stocks in process, finished goods (quantity and value), debtors, creditors, bank`s outstanding for working capital limits, term loan limits, bills discounted (Applicable for cases with exposure above Rs.25 lacs)

Proof of Minority

(The above list of documents is only indicative and not exhaustive and depending upon the local requirements of specific activity at different places addition could be made as per necessity).

Upto Rs.2 lacs 2 weeks

Above Rs.2 lacs & upto Rs.50 lacs 4 weeks Above Rs.50 lacs & upto Rs.100 lacs – 5-6 weeks*

Above Rs.100 lacs & upto Rs.100 crores -6-7 weeks *

Above Rs.100 crores – 8-9 weeks*

*Subject to fulfillment of formalities

Government Business – Products/Services
  Senior Citizen Saving Scheme, 2004

The proof of date of disbursal of such retirement benefits along with a certificate from the employer indicating the fact of retirement on superannuation or otherwise, retirement benefit, employment held and period of such employment with the employer is to be attached with the application form.

Form A - Application Form

Form B-Extension of Tenure

Form C -Nomination Form

Form E - closure of A/c

Form F - Death of a Depositor before maturity

Form G - Transfer of an account from one branch to another

A/c open : 25-30 minutes*

*For Deposit : 10-12 minutes*

*A/c closure : 25-30 minutes*

*Subject to fulfillment of formalities

  RBI 8% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2003

Applications :

Applications for the Bonds may be made in Form `A` or in any other form as near as thereto stating clearly the amount and the full name and address of the applicant.

Applications should be accompanied by the necessary payment in the form of cash/ drafts/cheques.

Applicants who have obtained exemption from tax under the relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961, shall make a declaration to that effect in the application (in Form `A`) and submit a truecopy of the certificate obtained from Income-Tax Authorities.

A/c open : 25-30 minutes*

*For Deposit : 10-12 minutes*

*A/c closure : 25-30 minutes*

*Subject to fulfillment of formalities

  Pension Life Certificate, Non-Employment Certificate, Re-Employment Certificate, Re-Marriage / Marriage Certificate, Undertaking for refund of excess payment and any other Certificate that may be prescribed from time to time. The branch also obtains specimen signatures / thumb impression in the disburser`s portion of the PPO.

For opening of a/c : 30 minutes*

Pension will be disbursed every month in the last 4 working days of the month, except for pension for the month of March, which shall be credited on or after the 1st working day of April.

For delay in payment of pension, bank will to pay interest @ Bank Rate + 2% for the period of delay.

*Subject to fulfillment of formalities

  e-stamping of documents (Payment of Non Judicia stamp duty) Customer has to fill up application form for e-stamping of documents. The amount can be paid by way of cash, demand draft, pay order, transfer, RTGS and NEFT.

The facility is available at the designated branches and a receipt with unique number will be provided to the customer immediately on deposit of stamp duty amount.

Time Norm is 20 to 25 minutes*

*Subject to fulfillment of formalities

  e-payment of VAT

This facility is available only for account holders of Bank and TIN holders registered with Department of Commercial Taxes of the concerned state.

On real time basis. Once the customer account is debited, transaction gets completed at Government website and tax will be treated as payment made to Government. Amount paid after 8.00PM, will be treated for next day payment.
  Collection of Direct Taxes - ON-LINE TAX ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (OLTAS)

Main portion of the challan and the taxpayer`s counterfoil form be filled in properly and the amount and major head of account to which the amount is to be counted/credited tobe correctly recorded therein.

Details of the Permanent Account Number (PAN) or Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN), name and address of the taxpayer, assessment year and nature and type of payment are to be properly filled in.

The amount should be written correctly both in words and figures

For physical payment of challan: 15-20 minutes.*

For e-payment: On real time basis. Once the customer account is debited, transaction gets completed at Government website and tax will be treated as payment made to Government. Amount paid after 8.00PM, will be treated for next day payment.

*Subject to fulfillment of formalities

  Collection of Indirect Taxes – Electronic Accounting System in Excise and Service Tax (EASIEST)

Main portion of the challan and the taxpayer`s counterfoil form be filled in properly and the amount and major head of account to which the amount is to be accounted/credited be correctly recorded therein.

Details of the Assessee code, name and address of the taxpayer, nature and type of payment are to be properly filled in.

The amount should be written correctly both in words and figures.

For physical payment of challan: 15-20 minutes.*

For e-payment: On real time basis. Once the customer account is debited, transaction gets completed at Government website and tax will be treated as payment made to Government. Amount paid after 8.00PM, will be treated for next day payment.

*Subject to fulfillment of formalities

  Collection of MCA21 (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) fees

Every request submitted on MCA portal is identified by a unique number known as the Service Request Number (SRN). In case of Challan payments; the Challan number is the SRN.

In case of online payments; SRN is given to the user, before he/she is redirected to the banks` payment gateway/ Bank`s site.

For physical payment of challan: 15-20 minutes.*

For e-payment: On real time basis. Once the customer account is debited, transaction gets completed at MCA website and fees will be treated as payment made to Government. Amount paid after 8.00PM, will be treated for next day payment.

*Subject to fulfillment of formalities

International Banking - Products / services.

Merchant Exports

Handling of documents relating to Exports of Goods & Services on different tenors (Sight / Usance);

Negotiation of export bills under Letter of Credit;

Purchase of export bills accompanied with Purchase Order from buyers;

Handling of export bills on Collections basis.

Imports into India

All imports into India are subject to FEMA provisions and Foreign Trade policy in force at the time of opening the letter of credit/payment of import bills.

Collection of instruments payable in Foreign Currency and Instant Credit for Small Value instruments.

To collect foreign currency instruments and to provide immediate credit to account holders of the bank maintaining savings or current account.

Foreign Inward Remittances for Beneficiaries in India

Followings arrangements/ modes of foreign inward remittances are in place

Remittances by way of SWIFT Transfer/Demand Draft/Cheque/Traveller Cheque/Currency notes etc.

Rupee Drawing Arrangement with twenty nine Non Resident Exchange Houses.

Remittances under Money Transfer Service Scheme with the under mentioned Service Providers:

Thomas Cook India Ltd for Money Gram

UAE Exchange Financial Services Ltd for Money Gram

UAE Exchange and Financial Services Ltd. for Xpress Money

BFC Forex& Financial Services Ltd. for EzRemit

Weizmann Forex Ltd for Western Union

The above arrangements are subject to RBI Master Circulars No. 5, 13 & 14/2011-12 dated July 1, 2011 revised from time to time.

Facilitates receiving remittances/payments from abroad, in Foreign Currency and Indian Rupees.

Facilitate remittances meant for various purposes viz. Familiy maintenance / deposits in resident and non-resident accounts / advance against exports of goods and services etc.

Foreign Outward Remittance for Residents

A resident of India may remit foreign currency amount in favour of a beneficiary residing outside India.

Services to all customers, through our Foreign Exchange Authorized branches.

Exchange Rates on real time basis.

Request of the exporter to handle the export bills;

Original Export Letter of Credit, if the bill is under LC;

Invoices of the goods/ services of the goods/ services exported;

Document to title of goods viz. Full Set of Negotiable Bill of Lading/Airway Bill etc.;

Shipping Bill (2 copies) cleared by the customs/SDF Form/ GR Form/ PP Form/ Softex form

Other documents (viz. Bill of Exchange / Packing List / Inspection Certificate / Insurance Certificate etc.) as per the requirement of the buyer / Export Letter of Credit.

Original FIRC, in case of advance payment of bills.

At the time of opening of letter of credit

Application for opening of letter of credit

Supporting contract

IE Code No.

Import License (Ex Control Copy), if applicable

At the time of retiring import bills under letter of credit or outside letter of credit

Application for sale of foreign currency against imports (A1)

Supporting contract

IE Code No.

Import License (Ex Control Copy), if applicable

At the time of retiring import bills under letter of credit.

Application for sale of foreign currency against imports (A1)

Bill of entry in case of usance documents/goods already received by the party

At the time of retiring import bills under collection.

Request of the importer to handle the import bills;

Invoices of the goods/services of the goods/services imported

Document to title of goods viz. Full Set of Negotiable Bill of Lading/Airway Bill etc.;

Other documents (viz. Bill of Exchange / Packing List / Inspection Certificate / Insurance Certificate etc), bank guarantee in case of advance payment for more than stipulated amount, CR on foreign supplier.

A 1 Form duly filled in

Bill of entry in case goods already received by the party.

Pay slip for foreign currency cheques

Clear and complete information and instructions about remitter / currency of remittance / amount of remittance / value date /beneficiary`s bank / beneficiary`s account number/ beneficiary`s name / purpose of remittance / Receive Money Form / KYC documents etc., depending upon the nature of inward remittance.

Application on a form prescribed as per FEMA/Banks guidelines, duly completed in all respects and signed.

Form A2 for exceeding transaction of USD 5000 or equivalent and Application cum declaration form (modified A2 form) for transactions below USD 5000 or equivalent

Declaration/other requisite documents as per guidelines under FEMA/RBI/ Bank`s guidelines.

Completion of KYC documents in case of Non - Account Holders.

Normally about 4 hours from the receipt of the bill, keeping in view the nature of transaction.

Opening of letter of Credit: 1 day after receipt of documents complete in all respects

Retirement of import bills : Same day on receipt of documents upto 3.30 pm.

Collection of cheques after 21 days from receipt of funds by the bank.

Instant credit for small instruments on same day, subject to request complete in all respect.

Swift Remittances: Value date / next working day depending upon remitting centre time zone.

Encashment of Currency Notes, Traveller Cheques About 30 minutes through selected branches only.

Rupee Drawing Arrangement : For Speed Remittance – same day: For demand drafts – payable on demand (3rd day from the date of submission of instrument in the branch)

Money Transfer Service Scheme: About 30 minutes: this may slightly vary from branch to branch.

1 day*

*Subject to fulfillment of formalities

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