PNB Cash Acceptor cum ATM

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PNB Cash Acceptor cum ATM


  • PNB Cash Acceptor cum ATM or Bulk Note Acceptor is a highly efficient multi-function kiosk, meant for accepting cash for deposit in the account (for PNB only) as well as dispensation of cash and all other ATM functions.
  • Denominations of 500, 200 & 100 are accepted.
  • Customer has the option of depositing cash by entering desired account number or by swiping the debit card and choose the desired account linked with the same.
  • The maximum amount per transaction that can be deposited by a customer through this CAA/BNA is Rs. 1,00,000/- or total 200 notes. If PAN number is captured in the customer account Rs. 1,00,000/- can be deposited or Rs. 49,900/- in case PAN number is not captured in the account.
  • Instant credit in the account with immediate Receipt.
  • CAA/BNA functions as an ATM also and it has re-cycler functionality. Thus all functions like Balance inquiry, Mini statement, Fund transfer, PIN change and other services at present being done on PNB ATMs can be performed on this kiosk.
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